Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Wisdom Study Session 3--We should always seek more wisdom.

“Let the wise listen and learn yet more” Proverbs 1:5, (NJB)

This verse tells us that we should never stop seeking wisdom, even if God has already given us some.  There is always more to learn, and God will teach us if we keep striving to learn.

We see that principle in other verses from wisdom literature.  Proverbs 9:9 tells us that “a wise man… will be still wiser,” and that a righteous man will “increase in learning” if he to opens himself to further instruction.   Sirach 6:18 similarly teach that we can still find wisdom, even after we have “gray hair.”        

Jesus also told us about that principle. In Matthew 13:12 he taught that ”to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance[.]”  That precept is repeated throughout the Gospels. See, Matthew 25:29; Mark 4:24-25, Luke 8:18,  John 15:2.

So how do we do that? Three things come to mind.     

First, make good use of the wisdom God has already given you. God will further bless those who make good use of what he has already given them, but we are unlikely to get more wisdom if we don’t bear fruit with what we already have. Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:12-26, John 15:2.

Second, we must be humble, accept that there is a LOT that we don’t know. We have to open our selves to that, recognize that there is more to learn.  Maybe that was what Solomon was getting at when he wrote “let the wise hear.” Proverbs 1:5 (ESV).  In other words, we have to get over ourselves. See Proverbs 11:2, Matthew 23:12, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 18:9-14

Third, we have to make a conscious, intentional, effort to learn; be on the alert for insights from God.  Jesus told us to “pay attention to what you hear.” Mark 4:24. Accord, Luke 8:18 (“Take care then how you hear”). One way to do that is to keep thinking about a particular scripture throughout the day. See, Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-2; Philippians 4:8. It is amazing what God will teach you if you keep “chewing on’” a particular part of His word.

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